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< 日米物理学会合同2006年秋季大会 >

叱り付ける様な口調で「Green Line」と言われ、私は自分の存在位置を緑色の線の上に移動させた。
代筆してあげましょうか、という職員の申し出に私が反応しなかった事から、言葉が通じないのではないか、との疑いを持たれ、それを確かめるために「Green Line」という言葉で試したのではないか、とその時の私は思ったが、別の理由ではないかと今では思う。

発表会場の Koko Crater に着くと、座長のグレゴリー・スノウ博士が握手で迎えてくれた。














 Hello. How do you do? I am Yuuichi Uda.
 My presentation is the proposal of a new research methodology
                                                which I named grammatical physics.
 It can also be thought of as a proposal of a new research area.
 I think that the grammatical physics
                 should become the paradigm of the fundamental physics
                                                             in the 21st century.
 The grammatical physics is theoretical physics in a broad sense
 but if we think of theoretical physics in a narrow sense,
       the grammatical physics
       is the new physics
          which comes after experimental physics and theoretical physics.
 I prepared this community site ‘' beforehand.
 I hope that every person interested in grammatical physics
                 will participate in this community.

 My presentation consists of four parts.
 The 1st part is the general explanation.
 In each part from the second part to the 4th part, I propose a concrete example.
 At the 4th part,
 I propose a new frame in place of existing frame of the quantum field theory.

 Now I start the first part.

 First, what is the grammar?
 For example, for the yesterday's diary,
 it is ordinary language such as Japanese or English used to write it.
 it is thought that the fact described by the yesterday's diary
                          is represented by which sentence permitted by the grammar
                                                   should be chosen
 and it never is thought that the fact is represented by the grammar,
 but in fact,
 the fact described by the yesterday's diary
 also has the feature that it is describable in Japanese or English.
 This means that it may be describable neither in Japanese nor in English
                        if the fact was not so,
 and here is a room for occurring of necessity to invent new grammars.
 The grammatical physics
 is such a methodology to develop physics
     as we use invention of a new grammar
                                    which fits the real situation better
              as a driving force
         after supposing actively that existing grammar doesn't fit real situations

 Well, what is the grammar in the physics?
 It is a coordinate system.
 But, I use the word ‘coordinate system' in a little broader meaning
                                                                     than the ordinary meaning.
 The coordinate system which I say
 is a general mapping
    which maps a mathematical notion to a physical notion.
 Specifically, as the coordinate system of a physical theory,
 I think of a mapping which maps a mathematical notion
                                     to a history of the physical system.

 For example, a physical unit is a coordinate system in my broad meaning.
 It is because the unit of length cm
                    can be thought of
                          as the mapping
                               which maps each real number  x to a length x centimeters
                    and the unit of time s
                          can be thought of
                                as the mapping
                                     which maps each real number  t
                                               to the time  t seconds.

 By using the units cm and s,
 I define the Cartesian coordinate system D and the time coordinate system ‘clock'
       as shown in these figures.
 D is the mapping
       which maps each real row vector (x,y,z)
                  to a spatial point whose Cartesian coordinate is (x,y,z),
 and ‘clock
         is the mapping
            which maps each real number t
                        to the time later by t seconds than the arbitrarily given original time.
 Therefore, Both D and clock are coordinate systems in my broad meaning.

 As the coordinate systems of the physical theories,
 I can mention the coordinate system of the classical mechanics for a particle
                     and the coordinate system of the quantum mechanics for it.

 The coordinate system Mc of the classical mechanics for a particle
    is defined as the mapping which maps each function χ from R to R^3
                         to a history Mc(χ) of the position of the particle
  where Mc(χ) is the following proposition.
 “For any real number t, the position of the particle is D(χ(t)) at the time clock(t).”

 The coordinate system Mq of the quantum mechanics for a particle
    is the mapping which maps each function Ψ from R^4 to C
                    to a history Mq(Ψ) of the quantum state of the particle
  where Mq(Ψ) is the following proposition.
 “For any real number t,
   the quantum state of the particle is state(Ψ(□,t)) at the time clock(t).”
 Please notice that in this statement
                          Ψ(□,t) is a mapping of R^3 to C
                                     and is defined by this equation [Ψ(□,t)](x,y,z)=Ψ(x,y,z,t)
                           and ‘state’ is a mapping which maps each function from R^3 to C
                                                                        to a quantum state
                                            and is a coordinate system in my broad meaning.

 The core of the development of physics
                   to quantum mechanics from classical mechanics
 is that the coordinate system was changed into Mq from Mc.
 That is to say, it is the development of the grammar.
 the grammatical physics at present
 is specifically the work
                    that after inventing more powerful coordinate system,
                           one builds up further development of physics on it .

 However, that is not all of the grammatical physics.
 The grammatical physics contains all interests about the features of the nature
                                                                          at grammar level.
 The more difficult and higher-grade problem of the grammatical physics
 is to invent more powerful new set of notions
                 that should take the place of the set of the notions:
                                                         history, coordinate system and equation.
 To expose the essential weak point
                of the set of notions (history, coordinate system and equation)
     without depending on those specific choices
 is also a problem of the grammatical physics.
 In comparison with these problems,
 invention of new coordinate systems is no more than an inferior problem,
                                                                         mere model  choice.

 So much for the 1st part.

 Now I start the second part.

 In this second part, as an example of practicing the grammatical physics,
 I propose a new coordinate system
               in place of the coordinate system of the quantum mechanics for a particle
 This is equivalent to changing a quantization prescription fundamentally.
 The main purpose of the proposal of this coordinate system
    is to explain the methodology of grammatical physics
 and I am not the person
                    who claims that this new coordinate system
                                           definitely fits real situations better,
 but I believe that this new coordinate system is physically interesting
                   and that some theory constructed on it may succeed.
 Well, the coordinate system is Mnew which is described below.

 Mnew is the mapping
             which maps each functional Φ from {χ:R→R^3} to C
                         to a quantum history Mnew(Φ)
 and so it is a coordinate system in my broad meaning,
 where Mnew must have the following relationship with Mq.
 “If Ψ(x,y,z,t)=expψ(x,y,z,t) and Φ[χ]=exp[α∫dtψ(χ(t),t)], then Mnew(Φ)=Mq(Ψ).
   Therefore the range of Mnew includes the range of Mq as a subset.”

 The physical implication of Mnew is the entanglement of a quantum history.
 The entanglement is a well-known concept for a quantum state.
 For example, as for a physical system with n degrees of freedom,
 a quantum state is generally represented by a mapping (the wave function)
                                                              from R^n to C.
 Especially when this wave function Ψ can be factorized to this form,
 the quantum state is called a disentangled quantum state.
 Ψ( x1 , ・・・ , xn ) Π ψi(xi)
 Because a wave function can not be factorized to this form generally,
 a general quantum state is entangled.
 When we replace the name i of a degree of freedom with the name t of a time
                    in the above discussion,
 R^n is replaced with {χ:R→R},
 Ψ is replaced with Φ,
 ( x1 , ・・・ , xn ) is replaced with χ,
 ψi is replaced with φ(□,t)
 and xi is replaced with χ(t).
 Therefore, as for the system with one degree of freedom,
 the quantum history in the meaning of the existing quantum mechanics
 is the special disentangled quantum history
      in the meaning of the new grammar,
 and the new grammar implies that a general quantum history is entangled one.
 But, I replaced this infinite product with ‘exp[α∫dt
       because I felt that this infinite product didn't seem real,
 and α is a very large new physical constant.

 So much for the second part.

 Now I start the third part.

 As the new grammar version of the equation
                                            which represents the physical law,
 the equation for Φ which reduces to the ordinary Schrodinger equation for Ψ
                                           in this special case, Mnew(Φ)=Mq(Ψ),
 is the most hopeful.
 Here I propose an equation corresponding to Mnew
                 as a trial production,
 but it is not verified yet that this equation satisfies the above condition.
 Please notice that the number of degrees of freedom is not three but one here.
 χ(□-ε) is a function

 χ(□-ε) is a function from R to R
            and is defined by [χ(□-ε)](t)=χ(t-ε).
 Please notice that a function is not the value of the function
                                            but a mapping.

 δ/δχ(t) is the functional derivative.

 This is the scenario of constructing a new theory in the grammatical way.
 That is to say,
 first we propose a new coordinate system Mnew
                        whose range includes the range of the old coordinate system Mold
                                                 as a subset,
 and then we seek the equation for Φ
                          which reduces to the old theory's equation for Ψ
                                          in this special case, Mnew(Φ)=Mold(Ψ),
 and we adopt it as the equation of the new theory.

 However, even when such an equation doesn't exist,
 it does not mean immediately that the new grammar has failed,
 and we can hope that we find an appropriate equation
                                         which is as near to that as possible
 Actually, in case of the transition from classical mechanics
                                                to existing quantum  mechanics,
 the Schrodinger equation doesn't have more desirable features
                                                      than the Ehrenfest  theorem.
 This is not a fault of the Schrodinger equation
           but a fault of the condition proposed above by me.

 So much for the third part.

 Now I start the fourth part.

 In this fourth part, I explain that the idea of the new grammar
                                                             shown in the second part
                                              is not restricted to quantum mechanics
                                                  but applicable to general quantum theories.
 For that purpose,
 I explain how the new quantum grammar for a real scalar field
                    when we apply the idea shown in the second part.

 The trial production of the new grammar and the new equation for a real scalar field
 can be accomplished in quite the same way
                                         as one for the system
                                                        with one degree of freedom.
 From the relativistic standpoint,
 It is plausible that the domain of definition of a coordinate of a history is {φ:R^4 → R }.
 It is also plausible that ∫d^4 x and δ/δφ(x) are four-dimensions-like.
 φ(□,□,□,□-ε) is a mapping

 φ(□,□,□,□-ε) is a mapping from R^4 to R
                       and is defined by [φ(□,□,□,□-ε) ](x,y,z,t)=φ(x,y,z,t-ε).

 By expanding Φ into a power series,
 it follows that a coordinate Φ of a history by the new grammar
                    is equivalent to a mapping
                                         from {0}∪R^4∪R^4×R^4∪R^4×R^4×R^4∪・・・
                                         to C.
 Therefore we can think that a quantum history in terms of the new grammar
                                        is a classical field on the spacetime
                                                                     the set of whose coordinates is
                    {0} ∪ R^4 ∪ R^4×R^4 ∪ R^4×R^4×R^4 ∪ ・・・.
 I named the spacetime in this meaning the power series spacetime.
 We can expect that it is possible
                            to make the quantum theory of the gravitational field
                                   by imitating the way of construction
                                                                   of the classical general relativity
                                   by introducing some structure such as phase
                                                  in the power series spacetime.
 To take the existence of Fermi field into account,
 we have only to use the Grassmann variable technique.

 So much for the fourth part.

 Please let me add a few more comments.
 I know that all scholars who have much influence
                                        on the tide of the physics in the world
                 always must make influence of what they heard
                                    on the tide of the physics in the world
                 when they have heard some important thing.
 I also know that all persons who can contact such scholars
                       must let such scholars know what they heard
                       when they should do so.
 What the persons who have heard my presentation should do
 depend only on how important they feel my presentation,
 and there is no room for their free will.
 There are people who say that my new grammar is not worth regarding
                                           because it is not necessary.
 neither the Dirac's monopole hypothesis nor the Einstein's unification conception
 is necessary
 and these were esteemed since before they yielded significant results.
 In the science, any proposal must not be evaluated by who stated it
                                               but be evaluated by its content.
 Please feel honestly how the content of my presentation is.

 Thank you for listening to me.
 Please don't hesitate to contact me during the breaks between the sessions.
